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What Is A Premise Liability Lawyer

If you are like most people, you probably have never heard of a premise liability lawyer. We don’t see advertisements about them on television, and hardly anyone says they want to be one when they grow up. So, it should…

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What To Do After A Slip & Fall Injury

Did you recently slip and fall while out in public or at any establishment? Maybe you slipped while walking out of a restaurant or while walking through a snowy parking lot? If you or someone you know received an injury…

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What To Do When Hurt On Private Property

Many people mistakenly think that accidents are always their own fault. The general train of thought is “I fell down” therefore it must have been my fault. But that is not always the case. Accidents that happen on someone else’s…

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5 Things To Look For In A Personal Injury Lawyer

If you have been injured by someone or something else, it can be overwhelming to say the least. Most people are rightfully caught up with trying to deal with their new injuries, and cannot focus on hiring a personal injury…

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The Dangers of Driving Near Semi-Trucks

Accidents occur every year due to large semi-trucks. Trucks are large transportation devices that carry heavy loads and travel long distances, making it dangerous because of possible mechanical failures, drivers falling asleep and other threats. You may not realize that…

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Don’t Pay For A Personal Injury Attorney Up Front

There are few things in life that you get to try before you buy. Even more, there are even fewer than that which allows you to not pay for it unless you are satisfied. One place where you can do…

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Who To Blame In A Personal Injury Case

Many people mistakenly think that a personal injury needs to have a clear person to blame. For example, a car accident could be the fault of another driver, or a medical malpractice lawsuit might be the fault of the doctor….

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How To Find The Right Car Accident Lawyer

There are many things in the average American’s life that we like to avoid. Off the top of my head, three things come to mind: jury duty, paying taxes and hiring a lawyer. Strangely enough, many times the three can…

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Why You Should Wear A Seatbeat

We all know the rules, wear your seat belt or you could be at risk for a hefty ticket. Is that the only reason why you should bother? Are seat belt laws just another way for the government to convince…

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How To Tell If I Have A Personal Injury Lawsuit

Were you recently injured in a car accident? Did someone accidentally or intentionally injure you to the point where you had to pay money for hospital bills? Personal injury lawyers are enlisted when people are physically or mentally injured due…

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