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Receiving emotional damages after injury or wrongful death

Many individuals suffer tremendous emotional trauma due to injuries sustained in car accidents. Some families face the substantial loss of a loved one in cases of wrongful death vehicle crashes. Whether you are the individual who sustained life-threatening injuries, or…

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Are women more vulnerable to car crash injuries?

Car crashes can create major injury risks for vehicle occupants. But these risks may not be the same for everyone. Some groups might have especially high risks on this front. Research suggests that women might be particularly vulnerable to crash…

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Hundreds of Millions of Dollars Paid in Settlements.

Several automakers are paying hundreds of millions of dollars in claim settlements. Takata Airbags are prone to exploding after prolonged exposure to heat prompting a massive recall, and hundreds of millions of dollars in settlements. According to Fortune Magazine, Ford…

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Hurricane Preparedness

Last year, the Texas coast was devastated by hurricane Harvey. Harvey caused an estimated $125 billion in damage. Approximately 336,000 people were left without electricity, and tens of thousands required rescue. Throughout the state, 103 people died in storm-related incidents,…

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Knowing a truck’s placards could help save your life

Truck crashes can be devastating because of their size and weight, but what about what they’re carrying as their loads? This is something that isn’t always discussed as much as it should be. It’s important that drivers are observant and…

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Did you suffer amputation after taking Invokana?

When you live with type 2 diabetes, you depend heavily on your medical care providers to help you manage your condition and avoid dangerous complications. Unfortunately, for many type 2 sufferers, depending on the guidance of their medical care provider…

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Mild brain injuries can cause professional catastrophe

If you recently suffered a blow to the head, there is a significant chance that you received a mild traumatic brain injury, or TBI. Of course, technically speaking, there is also a chance that you received a more severe injury,…

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Commercial trucks’ “black boxes” — crucial after an accident

Whenever we see news of another plane crash, inevitably some of the pundits and talking heads begin asking about how long it will take to retrieve the plane’s “black box.” Most people generally understand that these black boxes record several…

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Don’t wait to build a claim after a car accident injury

Surviving a car accident can feel like a combination of relief and stress — at the same time. On one hand, even if you have significant injuries, you still have the opportunity to make a recovery, but, on the other…

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4 ways to identify a distracted driver

How many times have you driven down Highway 281 or I-10 on your way or from work and seen someone multitasking behind the wheel? San Antonio, like most other cities, has plenty of distracted drivers on the road at any…

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