When you get into a car accident at anytime, it is frightening. Dealing with insurance companies is a tough task and you unknowingly may be giving away your rights that you never knew you had. So hiring personal injury lawyers helps resolve your problems. However, after a car accident, you must do these things immediately:

First Priority

  • Emergency Medical Treatment: In case you experience physical difficulties and pain, you must visit a doctor. Without fail give the hospital, doctor or the medical facility your automobile insurance card. This is essential so that they bill your personal injury protection policy.
  • Photographs: Take pictures of the accident scene if possible and also get a snap of the property damage to the cars. Save these pictures and print them immediately. This is important in car accidents, as the main issue is regarding where and who is at fault.
  • Witnesses: Get the addresses, names and telephone numbers of the car accident witnesses. However, you should not talk about the accident facts with the witnesses. You must merely get their contact information. You should not appear as though there is too much influence on what they saw and their version.

Second Step:

Statements: You should not discuss your accident case with anyone. You should give statements only after first speaking to your attorney. This is because unknowingly you may give away a statement to your insurance company. So, hire some licensed injury attorneys within the state to help you sort things out. In case you were contacted by the insurance company, you must obtain the mailing address, name, fax number and telephone numbers of the adjuster handling your claim. You may keep the adjuster informed about you consulting your attorney, and he or she will stay in touch with the adjuster.

Doctor’s Note: In case you face difficulties in working, substantial pain or any discomfort, you should ask for temporary work restrictions from your treating physician. In case your doctor leaves the working decision up to you and you experience substantial discomfort and pain, you should not work.

Damage Appraisal: When a car is damaged in the accident this means you need to get the car appraised by some reputable body shop after taking the photographs of the car damage.

Documents: Collect documents relating to your doctor’s instructions, medical bills, accident reports, prescriptions and receipts. Keep all these documents safe as they need to be shown on and off.

Your main job is to calm yourself and to recover from the car accident injuries. Allow your injury attorneys to handle the legal details. Your physical recovery is important. Above all, stay in contact with the injury attorneys to know the details of the proceedings and the claims.

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