Shocking Truth About Child Deaths In Texas Daycares
The most horrific thing a parent can hear think of is harm coming to their child. Unfortunately, Texas parents may have more to fear than others. According to a report by the Texas Tribune, close to 90 children have died in daycares across the state just in the past 10 years. On top of this, over 450 children were sexually abused. This disgusting amount of abuse and neglect is leading to a jump in wrongful death suits in Texas.
To address this issue, Texas legislators are working with the parents of victims to create new legislation that would mandate cameras in every child care facility in Texas. However, this may not stop the problem. Many daycare centers in Texas fly under the radar. They have not been licensed, and operate illegally. This has parents questioning how the state could possibly enforce this bill if they can’t even keep illegal facilities in check. There have been a crackdown on unlicensed daycare centers, but this dangerous issue still presents a concern for the parents of Texas.
Has Your Child Been Injured?
An injury to a child can have an impact throughout his life. Even injuries that can be considered minor if suffered by an adult can be devastating for a growing or developing child. When these injuries are caused by the negligence of others, children can seek compensation through a personal injury claim.
Our Texas serious injury lawyers can help if your child suffered an injury caused by negligence. Call The Law Giant, Personal Injury & Accident Lawyers and speak to The Law Giant at 866-523-4167 or contact us online. We offer free case consultations, so there is no risk in scheduling a time to talk and learning more about your legal options.