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3 delayed injuries that could impact your health after a crash

As a victim of a crash, you know that the accident scene can be quite chaotic. People may be yelling or hurt, others may be in a frenzy trying to help you or others. In all the rush and stress at the scene, you may not have noticed some of the injuries you suffered. With adrenaline pumping through your veins, it’s possible some of those injuries won’t begin to bother you for a day or two.

One thing to remember is to monitor your health in the days following a crash. You can still report your injuries and make a claim, even if the injuries appear hours or days following a collision. Here are a few common signs of injury that may be delayed.

1. Headaches

It’s particularly important to pay attention if you get a headache after a crash. Headaches could be a sign of a concussion, whiplash, neck injury, blood clots or other injuries. They can also be a sign of developing post-traumatic stress disorder.

2. Abdominal pain

It is common for abdominal pain to develop hours to days after a crash. Bruising may darken during this time, but if you see it spread, it’s worth heading to the doctor. There could be internal bleeding or injuries to your organs. Internal bleeding may also result in dizziness and headaches.

3. Tingling and numbness

Developing after swelling and inflammation take hold, tingling and numbness may be a sign of serious injuries. For instance, if you herniated a disc, your arms or legs may have unusual sensations — tingling, burning or numbness, depending on the placement of the injury. It’s vital to get an MRI or CT scan early to diagnose a problem with the spine and to get the appropriate treatment.

Can you make a claim for injuries that develop after the crash?

As long as you have no signed a release of liability, there is still a chance for you to settle your car crash claim and include the developing injuries. Once you settle the claim, you will be unable to seek compensation for any injuries that develop. The best thing to do is to wait to sign any agreements or settlements until you have reached your maximum level of medical improvement following a collision. That’s when you’ll really know the true impact of the crash on your life.

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