After being in a car crash, your primary concern should be your health. Next, you should consider filing a claim to get compensated for your damages. However, you should keep in mind how insurance companies work. Their goal is to pay you as little as possible, in order to maximize profits. Your injuries and damages deserve fair compensation, so you should consider seeking advice from an experienced personal injury attorney. A consultation is free and can offer you some insight on how you should go about your claim. That being said, there are some mistakes you should avoid. Below we’ll go over some common missteps people often make, which often hurt their case, and their ability to be compensated.
Get A Police Report
Texas law states you need to file a police report whenever you are involved in an accident that results in injuries or fatalities. Sometimes, the driver at fault will try and convince you not to call the police. There could be a whole list of reasons they don’t want authorities involved but don’t let that stop you. Failing to get a police report can make proving your case much more difficult. The police report offers an official accounting of what took place. It is essential to your claim that you have a police report filed.
Filing a Claim
The statute of limitations in Texas allows you to file a personal injury claim within two years of the date of the injury. If you fail to file your lawsuit, you could lose out on collecting damages. While you do have two years to file, the sooner you file the better. While you might be able to file your case a year after the accident, you’ll have a difficult time proving your case. The sooner you file a claim, the better.
Waiting Too Long To Seek Medical Attention
After a car crash, you may put off seeing a doctor. Many people don’t think their injuries are severe enough to warrant the inconvenience of seeing a doctor. Even if their ends up being nothing wrong, it’s better to be safe than sorry. If later down the line you find out your injures were more severe than you originally thought, it could be difficult to prove to the insurance company.
Taking the First Offer from the Insurance Comapny
Insurance companies try to avoid paying you large sums of money by tricking victims. They’ll offer you an initial settlement, which is much lower than you deserve. They know you need the cash, and know you’ll be likely to take any amount they offer. These offers are likely too low to cover your total expenses. If you cash the check they send you, you waive any further legal action. That’s why getting an attorney is in your best interest. They’ll be able to negotiate a fair amount for your expenses.
Giving a Recorded Statement to Adjusters
If the insurance adjuster for the negligent person reaches out to you, its safe to say you should direct their calls to your lawyer. Whatever you say can be used against you. If the adjuster asks you to give a recorded statement, consider talking to your lawyer.
Wondering the Worth of Your Personal Injury Case?
Wondering the Worth of Your Personal Injury Case?
After a personal injury accident, your top priority should be recovering. Not trying to figure out which damages you may be eligible for and determining the value of your claim on your own. Consult a Texas personal injury lawyer from The Law Giant, Personal Injury & Accident Lawyers.
To find out how much your personal injury claim is worth, contact The Law Giant right away. You can count on us to investigate your situation and ensure you secure the fair compensation you deserve. To schedule a free, initial evaluation of your case, contact us today at (866) 523-4167.