For decades, veterans and their families have suffered a laundry list of injuries and illnesses due to the contaminated water at the Marine Corps base Camp Lejeune in North Carolina. The generation exposed to the toxic water finally gained the right to pursue compensation for damages they suffered because of the base’s negligence.
However, with so many victims suffering different types of damages, it’s hard to know exactly how much you can expect from your settlement.
What Happened at Camp Lejeune?
While new legislation has recently permitted injured victims to pursue compensation, the incident at Camp Lejeune resulted from years of negligence. The base’s water was first contaminated in the 1950s; however, nothing was done to correct the issue until 1987—almost 40 years later. That means an entire generation of residents at Camp Lejeune consumed water containing harmful chemicals.
Lab results revealed that trichloroethylene (TCE), tetrachloroethylene (PCE), vinyl chloride (VC), and benzene contaminated Camp Lejeune’s water sources.
Over the years, residents of Camp Lejeune have developed various cancers and illnesses that have been directly linked to the chemicals listed above.
New Legislation Allows Victims to Have Their Day in Court
Congress recently combined two bills giving injured victims and their families the right to pursue compensation from the government.
The Camp Lejeune Justice Act was introduced in 2021, stating that specific individuals can recover damages caused by the contaminated water at Camp Lejeune between August 1st, 1953, and December 31st, 1987. The law includes that this action is only available to those exposed to contaminated water for at least 30 days.
However, this law failed to generate the needed support until now. It has been folded into a new bill called the Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act (PACT), which President Biden signed on August 2nd. This legislation expands health and disability benefits for veterans exposed to toxic substances. Before this bill, victims from Camp Lejeune couldn’t sue liable parties.
What Illnesses Did the Contaminated Water Cause?
The injuries and illnesses suffered by Camp Lejeune residents vary, and you or a loved one might have suffered the following:
- Leukemia
- Bladder cancer
- Kidney cancer
- Liver cancer
- Multiple Myeloma
- Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
In addition to these cancers, victims have suffered other diseases and injuries, such as:
- Birth defects
- Brain damage
- Cardiac defects
- Parkinson’s
- Epilepsy
This is by no means an exhaustive list of injuries and illnesses you may have experienced. Your lawyer can determine if your condition qualifies for compensation.
Who’s At Fault for the Contaminated Water?
Recent investigations revealed an unfortunate truth—the military personnel on location at Camp Lejeune were well aware of the contamination yet did nothing in response, and they made several attempts to cover up the matter.
Now that decades have passed, veterans and their families are paying the price for the military’s negligence. The government and the military base had a duty of care to uphold to all residents living at Camp Lejeune. Since they breached this duty by not providing safe drinking water, they could be liable for the damages you suffered from their negligence.
How Much Compensation Can You Get in a Settlement?
An exact recovery amount is hard to determine because each case is different. Settlements range from a few thousand dollars to over a million. The amount you receive ultimately depends on the damages you suffered and the extent of those damages.
You could recover compensation for any of the following:
- Medical costs associated with your illness
- Ongoing treatment costs
- Physical pain
- Mental anguish and emotional suffering
- Disfigurement
Wrongful Death Claims
Due to the list of dangerous cancers and illnesses, you may have lost a loved one because of their exposure to contaminated water. In this case, you have a right to pursue a wrongful death claim against all liable parties.
Let the Law Giant Recover What You Lost
You and your family shouldn’t suffer because of someone’s negligence. Residents at Camp Lejeune have a right to pursue compensation for the damages they’ve experienced. Find out today if your condition qualifies for a Camp Lejeune lawsuit by contacting The Law Giant, Personal Injury & Accident Lawyers at 210-664-3441.
Thousands like you have come forward seeking recovery settlements, and the Law Giant can investigate your case to pursue the best possible outcome. We want to see you made whole again and make the responsible parties pay for the damage they caused.