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Many tractor trailer accidents are so frightening that very often they end in death and massive destruction. In addition to this sad fact is that the victim is not to blame. Trailer accidents are almost always caused by the negligence of truck drivers, and often the driver is unharmed in it.

Our Texas truck accident lawyers can help if you or a loved one have been injured due to a negligent truck driver. Call Begum Law Group Injury Lawyers and speak to The Law Giant at 866-523-4167 or contact us online. We offer free case consultations so there is no risk in scheduling a time to talk and learning more about your legal options.

What is a Tractor-Trailer Truck?

There are many types of trucks you will see driving down the highway. Large semi-trucks typically come to mind; however, these trucks are often seen without attached cargo.

A tractor-trailer truck is a combination of the truck cab (tractor) and the attached trailer that carries a large cargo load, hence the name “tractor-trailer” truck.

Being hit by a semi-truck is devastating enough even without the trailer. But with tons of cargo added, an already bad situation worsens, and the results could be fatal.

Why Are Tractor-Trailer Crashes in Texas so Catastrophic?

Tractor-trailer accidents are far more devastating than other types of motor vehicle collisions. Common reasons why include:

  • Tractor-trailers require a greater stopping distance due to their size
  • Tractor-trailers are substantially heavier than traditional passenger vehicles, which make them less maneuverable
  • Trucks have large blind spots, which make unsafe lane changes more common
  • Unbalanced, overloaded, or unsecured cargo can make tractor-trailers significantly more dangerous
  • Hazardous materials, including flammable materials or chemicals, could cause traumatic injuries in a collision

Who Is Liable for Your Truck Accident in Texas?

Establishing liability in a Texas truck accident is critical. It may be the only way to recover for your damages. You might have assumed that the driver who hit you is responsible for your injuries. However, multiple parties could share fault for your accident.

The parties that could be held accountable for tractor-trailer accident injuries include:

Truck Drivers

Truck drivers may be found liable when their reckless driving causes collisions. They may also be held accountable in instances where they are operating the commercial vehicle as an independent contractor.

Cargo Loaders

Cargo loaders who fail to secure or load cargo properly can be held accountable when our investigation reveals their negligent actions.

Other Negligent Drivers

Unsafe driving can take many forms. Speeding, distracted driving, drunk driving, drowsy driving, and other types of aggressive driving from other drivers are known for causing traumatic truck accidents in San Antonio.

Trucking Company or Truck Owner

Trucking companies are responsible for the actions of their truck drivers, as truck owners are responsible for the safety and maintenance of their commercial trucks.

When trucking companies fail to do their due diligence, follow federal trucking regulations, or truck owners fail to maintain the truck’s integrity, these parties can be held accountable.

Causes of Tractor Trailer Accidents

Truck drivers are not only carrying important cargo, they are also operating very powerful machines. These machines require careful attention and maintenance so that it can be sure they are in proper order. Simple maintenance steps such as checking the brakes and tires have to be completed, or they risk extreme danger to the motorists driving the smaller vehicles around them. Serious accidents can be caused by the following:

  • Runaway trailers
  • Faulty brake lights
  • Faulty side reflectors
  • Brake failure
  • Driver fatigue
  • Road conditions
  • DUI

Throughout Texas, trucks are being driven on highways and local roads. Their drivers are traveling both across the country and within the state. Many of the drivers are traveling overnight without much rest. A combination of their fatigue and poorly lit conditions make it the perfect scenario for a devastating accident.

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Other Causes Of Serious Accidents

Driver fatigue is just one reason why a truck driving accident might occur. While there are many reasons why a truck might become involved in an accident, there is often only one result. The majority of accidents involving large trucks will occur with smaller vehicles, such as an automobile or motorcycle, and cause an injury. Even worse, many times, because of the size of the truck and the amount of blind spots a truck has, drivers are not aware that they have damaged a smaller vehicle.

Because of the amount of damage that can easily occur from a truck accident, it is very likely that injuries from it will be serious. In the state of Texas, injuries from accidents with trucks can be due to the negligence of the truck’s owner and/or the company they were delivering for. Proving this, however, can be difficult — especially when the driver has the legal team of the company they work for on their side. If you need a strong trucking injury attorney in the San Antonio or Brownsville area, look no further.

Texas Tractor-Trailer Accident Stats

The Texas Department of transportation releases crash and accident data annually. Some of the statistics over the last few years are especially concerning. These include:

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“Great group of people to work with—very efficient and professional. Alex has put together a great Team!
- Derek B.
"Great service with employees … patient and explain everything in a way that is understandable to the people."
- Marlend Z.
“I love the attitude they have … always happy to help out and makes you feel comfortable.”
- Laura T.
“Great law firm. Staff very professional … very helpful and took the time to answer all my questions.”
- Lucy G.

We Have Considerable Experience in Accidents with Trailers

If you are someone whose loved one was injured by a trailer on Texas highways, get immediate help from a trained attorney. Even if the Transportation Company has offered you an agreement, do not accept without first talking to a lawyer. The Transportation Company is very interested in paying the minimum necessary to cover the damages. An experienced lawyer in the field will have only the interests of the victims as a priority.

The Begum Law Group Injury Lawyers Attorneys have enough experience in the accidents of trailers and know all that they involve to advocate for you according to your specific case. We not only work with experts to investigate the incident, but we can also help you find professional medical help from experts in the injuries that are involved in your case. Our attorneys know exactly what to expect from the counterpart, and will be prepared to fight for you to get the most compensation.

Trailer accidents can cause injuries that are often very severe. You will need compensation that is sufficient for your long-term care, for loss of wages, your rehabilitation, and to also cover the suffering and pain caused by the experience. Our lawyers in the field know how to help you obtain the compensation to which you are entitled.