Consulta gratis 866.523.4167

Los conductores distraídos matan y lesionan gravemente a miles de personas cada año. Todo el mundo sabe que es contra la ley enviar mensajes de texto y conducir. Y cualquier persona con sentido común sabe que no debería estar mirando un teléfono inteligente o un dispositivo GPS, usar un iPad, comer o mirar televisión mientras opera un vehículo. Sin embargo, sucede todo el tiempo, en todas partes de Texas.

Nuestros abogados de accidentes automovilísticos en Texas pueden ayudarlo si usted o un ser querido han resultado heridos en un accidente de manejo distraído. Llame a The Law Giant, Personal Injury & Accident Lawyers y hable con The Law Giant en 866-523-4167 o contáctenos en línea . Ofrecemos consultas gratuitas de casos para que no haya ningún riesgo en programar un tiempo para hablar y aprender más sobre sus opciones legales.

Cuando los conductores negligentes y distraídos causan lesiones graves

El problema va más allá de los actos más obvios negligentes de enviar mensajes de texto y acceder a Internet detrás del volante. Conducir mientras se habla por teléfono celular ahora es ilegal en el condado de Bexar. Al igual que necesita asesoramiento legal si un conductor con problemas de alcohol lo lastimó, necesita orientación si resultó herido en un accidente de manejo distraído.

Some of our recent results...

Commercial Vehicle Crash
18-Wheeler Crash
18-Wheeler Crash

*The outcome of any individual case depends on factors unique to that case. Past case results listed on this website do not guarantee or predict a similar result in any similar or future case.

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What our clients have to say...

5.0 Google Reviews. Out of Almost 400 Reviews.

“Great group of people to work with—very efficient and professional. Alex has put together a great Team!
- Derek B.
"Great service with employees … patient and explain everything in a way that is understandable to the people."
- Marlend Z.
“I love the attitude they have … always happy to help out and makes you feel comfortable.”
- Laura T.
“Great law firm. Staff very professional … very helpful and took the time to answer all my questions.”
- Lucy G.

Get Your Questions Answered

At Law Giant, The Law Giant, Personal Injury & Accident Lawyers, in San Antonio and Brownsville, we represent people injured by distracted drivers. We help our clients and their families get proper medical treatment for their injuries and obtain full and fair compensation for their losses. If you or a loved one was hurt by someone else’s negligence, our attorneys can help you answer questions like:

  • How do you prove that a driver wasn’t paying attention behind the wheel?
  • Who will pay for repairs to my damaged vehicle? How will I obtain a temporary vehicle?
  • How does the insurance claims process work? What’s the difference between a claim and a lawsuit?
  • How much money will I receive for my injuries?
  • How can a lawyer get us medical treatment without me paying anything upfront?
  • How will I make up for the income I am losing because of the accident?